Canadian Public Broadcaster CBC faces Budget Cuts

The CBC funding has been declining for some time now. The broadcaster is disliked by many conservatives. It is often called the Communist Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

Canadian Public Broadcaster CBC faces Budget Cuts

The CBC has both English and French services. The English services will lose 86 million from its budget including 256 full time jobs.

There will be cuts to programming including six less series. With 175 less hours one can expect repeats. Altogether the budget cuts 115 million from the budget over three years.

CBC news will lose 88 jobs and cut 10 million from its budget.There will be fewer documentaries and both South American and African bureaus will be closed. The CBC will not get a Canadian perspective on events in those areas.

The CBC has often published exposes of government as well as corporate Canada. The Harper Conservative government and many of his supporters do not like that one little bit. Many are opposed to any publicly funded media period.

Things have changed as in 1932 during the establishment of the CBC Conservative Prime Minister R.B. Bennett said; “I cannot think that any government would be warranted in leaving the air to private exploitation and not reserving it for use of the people.”

Canada’s largest media union is concerned about the erosion of quality journalism. “Will quality journalism get chilled, regional voices silenced and critical analysis of government gagged?” asks  Peter Murdoch, Vice-President Media for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada.

“A strong voice for demanding government accountability is being bullied,” says Murdoch.

“The CBC is not the F-35 gone wrong. Quite the contrary. It is built to serve the public and has wide support across the country. To force the dismantling of it through vindictive withdrawal of resources is abhorrent to the Canadian character and Conservative history.”

Murdoch says it was Conservative Prime Minister R.B Bennett, who in 1932 during the establishment of the CBC, said: “I cannot think that any government would be warranted in leaving the air to private exploitation and not reserving it for use of the people.”

Murdoch says the depth of the cuts should prompt the resignation of the Federal Minister of Heritage, James Moore.

“The wide-sweeping cutbacks announced today, clearly indicate Mr. Moore does not have the muscle in cabinet to dissuade his right-wing colleagues from their anti-culture, anti-public broadcaster agenda.”

“It was only last May, Moore told Canadians that the government would ‘maintain or increase support for the CBC.’ It must have been the Stephen Harper cabal which demanded the financial attack on the CBC.”

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