BBC Website is Down



BBC is facing some problems, its internet services have suffered a number of glitches with parts of the main website becoming unavailable for a time. The BBC’s iPlayer service went offline, while a section highlighting the popular stories of the day is showing old News/Stories.

It is the 2ndtime this year a BBC is suffering from some fault that has taken the site offline. So far Its not clear whether the problems are related and engineers but they said they are still investigating the cause.

A statement from the BBC said:

“Due to a major technical issue, BBC Online was temporarily down on Wednesday evening. Service was restored to most users within an hour. We are working on full restoration as quickly as possible, and are investigating the causes of the outage.”

BBC News website’s editor, Steve Herrmann, tweeted :

“Working to fix issue of old stories showing in ‘Most read’ list on @BBCNews site. We’re sorry and hope to fix soon.”

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